About Us
Online Giving
"Wait for the Promise"—Acts 1:1–11 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Chosen by the Lord"—Acts 1:12–26 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"How to Cleanse Your Way from Sin"—Psalm 119:9–16 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Witnesses of the Good News"—1 Corinthians 15:1–11 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Fake News?"—1 Corinthians 15:12–19 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Christ, Our 'First-fruits'"—1 Corinthians 15:20–28, Part I (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Representation & Recapitulation"—1 Corinthians 15:20–28, Part II (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"At the Battlefront of the Star Wars: Episode II—Fall of the Morning Star" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
2020-01-18 Sermon (Larry Kelly)
"At the Battlefront of the Star Wars: Episode I—The Greatest War of All Time" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"At the Battlefront of the Star Wars: Episode III—The Dragon Strikes Back" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"At the Battlefront of the Star Wars: Episode IV—The Unseen Realm of the Force" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"At the Battlefront of the Star Wars: Episode V—A Disturbance in the Force" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
2020-02-15 Sermon (Chris Cobb)
"At the Battlefront of the Star Wars: Episode VI—Collapse of the Empire" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"True Liberty" (Kevin James)
2020-03-07 Sermon (Chris Cobb)
"Eternal Reign of the High Priest-King"—1 Corinthians 15:20–28, Part III (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Kingdom Transfer and the Trinity in the Eschaton"—1 Corinthians 15:20–28, Part IV (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Why Do We Do What We Do?"—1 Corinthians 15:29–34 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Lord's Prayer: Deliver Us From Evil"—Matthew 6:13 (Chris Cobb)
"Any Body or No Body?"—1 Corinthians 15:35–49 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Changed"—1 Corinthians 15:50–58 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Rise and Go!"—Acts 8:26–40 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Indiscriminate Fire"—Acts 2:1–21 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Raised to Reign and Rain"—Acts 2:22–36 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Community Is Unity"—Acts 2:42–47 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Why Pentecost?, Part 1: The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Why Pentecost?, Part 2: The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Why Pentecost?, Part 3: The Holy Spirit in the New Covenant Age I" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Why Pentecost?, Part 4: The Holy Spirit in the New Covenant Age II" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Living in the Rainy Season"—Deuteronomy 11:1–17 & Joel 2:18–32 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"How to Live WORRY-FREE in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Part I"—Matthew 6:19–24 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"How to Live WORRY-FREE in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Part II"—Matthew 6:25–34 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread"—Matthew 6:11 (Chris Cobb)
"How to Live WORRY-FREE in the COVID-19 Pandemic"—Luke 12:13–34; Matthew 6:1–4 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"A Light in the Darkness: The Story of Josiah, King of Judah" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Politics of Jesus" (Bruce Germsheid)
"Even the Dogs: The Biblical Narrative of the Unentitled" (Matthew Brass)
"Condemned, Cleansed, and Commissioned: Isaiah's Prophetic Vision for Authentic Worship"—Isaiah 6:1–13 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"At the Battlefront of the Star Wars: Episode VII—Revenge of the Dragon" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"At the Battlefront of the Star Wars: Episode VIII—The End-time Trifectas" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"At the Battlefront of the Star Wars: Episode X—The Dark Assassin of Deceit" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"At the Battlefront of the Star Wars: Episode XI—Return of the Jedi Master" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"At the Battlefront of the Star Wars: Episode XII—Millennial Restoration" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"What Child Is This? Part I: Immanuel, God Is with Us" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"What Child Is This? Part II: Jesus the Christ, Messianic Savior" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
The Love of God (Sherry Lowe)
"What Child Is This? Part III: The Kingly Root of David, Covenantal Son of God" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: Power and Protest—Paul's Missionary Journey to Ephesus"—Acts 18:18–19:41; 20:15–38 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: Grace and Peace—Paul's Letter Writing Style"—Ephesians 1:1–2 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: A Trinitarian Matrix of Redemption"—Ephesians 1:3–14 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Ignite for Mission: Standing in the Gap" (David Hartman)
"Ignite for Mission: You Will Receive Power" (David Hartman)
"Ignite for Mission: Standing in the Gap"—2 (David Hartman)
"Ignite for Mission: How to Attract Your Neighbors to Christ" (David Hartman)
"Journey through Ephesians: Elected and Predestined for Adoption"—Ephesians 1:3–6 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: Redeemed!"—Ephesians 1:7–12 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
Baptismal Ceremony for Lukas Olivencia (Samuel F. García-Lizardo & Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Are We A Jonah?" (Aaron Harlock)
"Journey through Ephesians: Heaven's Layaway Deposit"—Ephesians 1:13–14 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: Eyes Wide Open"—Ephesians 1:15–23 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: Dead or Alive?"—Ephesians 2:1–10 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: And the Wall Came Down"—Ephesians 2:11–22 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: The Mystery Revealed"—Ephesians 3:1–13 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: Spiritual Strength"—Ephesians 3:14–21 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: One!"—Ephesians 4:1–6 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: Diversely Gifted by Grace"—Ephesians 4:7–11 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: Unity in Ministry"—Ephesians 4:11–16 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
Sermon 06-19-2021 (Ann Thrash-Trumbo)
"Journey through Ephesians: Old Me vs. New Me"—Ephesians 4:17–24 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: A Grieved Devil Makes a Happy Holy Spirit"—Ephesians 4:25–32 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
Sermon 04-24-2021
"What Are You Thinking?" (Cinda Sanner)
Sermon 07-17-2021 (Bill Menshausen)
Sermon 08-21-2021 (Mike Pethel)
"A Man for All Time: 1 On Your Own" (Sherry Lowe)
"A Man for All Time: 2 The Meaning of the Cross" (Sherry Lowe)
"A Man for All Time: 3 It Is Finished" (Sherry Lowe)
"A Man for All Time: 4 God Still Moves Stones" (Sherry Lowe)
"A Man for All Time: 5 Advance on Eternity (Sherry Lowe)
"A Man for All Time: 6 A Fresh Breath of Hope" (Sherry Lowe)
"Journey through Ephesians: And 'Round and 'Round They Go!"—Ephesians 5:21–22, 25, 33 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"A Man for All Time: 7 The Best Is Yet to Come" (Sherry Lowe)
Sermon 09-18-2021 (Larry Kelley)
"It's a Matter of Trust" (Ray Hartwell)
Sermon 10-16-2021 (Tim Leffew)
Journey through Ephesians: Two Tools for Christian Parenting"—Ephesians 6:4 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: Imitating the God of Love"—Ephesians 5:1–2 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: Radical Relationships"—Ephesians 5:21–6:9 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: The Upside-down Head"—Ephesians 5:21–24 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: His Greatest Need"—Ephesians 5:21–24, 33 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: Her Greatest Desire"—Ephesians 5:21, 25–33 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Journey through Ephesians: Psst ... Here's a Secret for Long Life"—Ephesians 6:1–3 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
Sermon 10-30-2021 (Joel Greve)
Journey through Ephesians: The Boss's Bane"—Ephesians 6:5–8 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
Sermon 11-27-2021 (Tom Hughes)
Journey through Ephesians: Prepare for Battle!"—Ephesians 6:10–20 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
Sermon 12-18-2021 (Sherry Lowe)
"When the Blind See" (Matthew Durante)
Journey through Ephesians: Saying Farewell"—Ephesians 6:21–24 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Longest Fast Ever Recorded"—Matthew 26:26–30 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
Celebrating Service 2 (Roger Hernandez)
Celebrating Service 1 (Roger Hernandez)
"Jonah: Lessons from the Belly of a Whale," Part I: "City Preaching or Country Living—What Is God's Call for You?"—Jonah 1:1–3 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Jonah: Lessons from the Belly of a Whale," Part II: "Chasing After You"—Jonah 1:4–16 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Miseducation of God’s People" (Amireh Al-Haddad)
“Jonah: Lessons from the Belly of a Whale," Part V: “The Best and Worst Evangelist"—Jonah 3:3–10 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
“Jonah: Lessons from the Belly of a Whale," Part VI: “God Has A Long Nose"—Jonah 4:1–4 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
Spring Revival: "The Greatest Way" (John Moldovan)
Spring Revival: "The Need for Rain" (John Moldovan)
Spring Revival: "The Intercessor" (John Moldovan)
“Jonah: Lessons from the Belly of a Whale," Part VII: "Pity the Perishing"—Jonah 4:4–11 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Biblical Hospitality: Reaching Those God Is Drawing" Parts 1 & 2 (Tim Madding)
"Biblical Hospitality: Reaching Those God Is Drawing" Part 3 (Tim Madding)
"Biblical Hospitality: Reaching Those God Is Drawing" Part 4 (Tim Madding)
“Jonah: Lessons from the Belly of a Whale," Part III: “Into the Deep, Up from the Pit”—Jonah 1:17–2:10 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
“Jonah: Lessons from the Belly of a Whale," Part IV: “Second Chances"—Jonah 3:1–3a (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
“Jonah: Lessons from the Belly of a Whale," Part VIII: "The Sign"—Matthew 12:38–42 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
“The Good Shepherd," Part I: "Who Is He and What Is His Name?"—Ps 23:1a (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
Stephen Reese
"The Good Shepherd," Part II: "Satisfied"—Psalm 23:1b (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
God Made a Mother (William Menshausen)
"The Good Shepherd" Part III: "Freed and Full for Rest"—Psalm 23:2a (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
01 "Discovering Revelation: A New World Order" (John Moldovan)
02 "Discovering Revelation: Planet in Upheaval" (John Moldovan)
"The Good Shepherd," Part IV: "Living Waters or Polluted Mudholes?"—Psalm 23:2b (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
03 "Discovering Revelation: Armageddon & The Anatomy of Evil" (John Moldovan)
04 "Discovering Revelation: The Man of Revelation" (John Moldovan)
05 "Discovering Revelation: The Coming of the Lawless One" (John Moldovan)
06 "Discovering Revelation: Revelation's Sign of God" (John Moldovan)
"The Good Shepherd," Part V: "Turning Over the Upside Down"—Psalm 23:3a (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
07 "Discovering Revelation: Revelation's Forgotten History" (John Moldovan)
08 "Discovering Revelation: Babylon Rising" (John Moldovan)
09 "Discovering Revelation: Revelation's Keys of Death" (John Moldovan)
10 "Discovering Revelation: A River Runs Through It" (John Moldovan)
11 "Discovering Revelation: The Time of the End" (John Moldovan)
12 "Discovering Revelation: The Appearing" (John Moldovan)
13"Discovering Revelation: How to Postpone Your Funeral" (John Moldovan)
14 "Discovering Revelation: A Desolate Planet" (John Moldovan)
15 "Discovering Revelation: Return of the Woman" (John Moldovan)
16 "Discovering Revelation: Mark of the Beast" (John Moldovan)
18 "Discovering Revelation: The Ultimate Mind Game" (John Moldovan)
17 "Discovering Revelation: The Testimony of Jesus" (John Moldovan)
Baptismal Service for Marko Paunič & Faye Dodd
19 "Discovering Revelation: Revelation's Glorious Climax" (John Moldovan)
"The Testimony of a Tax Collector" (Tom Hughes)
"The Good Shepherd," Part VI: "Ruinous Ruts or Renewing Righteousness?"—Psalm 23:3b (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"A Lion in a Den of Daniels" (Tom Hughes)
"The Psychosis of People-pleasing"—Galatians 1:1–2:14 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"An Ethiopian, A Leopard, And God" (Aaron Harlock)
"Eleazer: The Man Whose Hand Clave To His Sword" (Tom Hughes)
"The Good Shepherd," Part VIII "Implements of Intimacy"—Psalm 23:4b (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Good Shepherd," Part IX "Preparation & Provision"—Psalm 23:5a (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Jesus and the Spirit" (Philip G. Samaan)
"One Man's Obedience" (Tom Hughes)
"The Good Shepherd," Part XII "Permanent Resident, Legal Citizen, and Lifetime Member"—Psalm 23:6b (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
Sermon 09-24-2022 (Sherry Lowe)
"The Good Shepherd," Part X "The Honoring and Healing Balm"—Ps 23:5b (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Ruth: A Tale of Two Women," Part I "Divine Presence"—Ruth 1:1–18 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Good Shepherd," Part XI "Confidence in Covenant"—Psalm 23:6a (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.) NO RECORDING
"The Good Shepherd," Part VII "Present in Peril"—Psalm 23:4a (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.) NO RECORDING
"A Tale of Two Women," Part II "Divine Persecution?" —Ruth 1:19–22 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
Sermon 10-15-20233 (Aaron Harlock)
"A Tale of Two Women," Part III "Divine Providence"—Ruth 2:1–23 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Then There Was One" (John Moldovan)
"A Tale of Two Women," Part IV "Divine Provision" —Ruth 3:1–18 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"A Tale of Two Women," Part V "Divine Redemption" —Ruth 4:1–12 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"A Tale of Two Women," Part VI "Divine Blessing"—Ruth 4:13–17 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
Sermon 11-26-2022 (David Brass)
Sermon 12-03-2022 (Philip G. Samaan)
"A Tale of Two Women," Part VII "Divine Lineage"—Ruth 4:18–22 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Good News of Great Joy" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
Sermon 12-31-2022 (Jeff Blumenberg)
"ACTS: From Pentecost to Diaspora," Part 1 "No Other Name"—Acts 4:1–22 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
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"Do You Really Know Him?"—1 John 2:3–6 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
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"ACTS: From Pentecost to Diaspora" Part 2 "Earthquaking Prayer"—Acts 4:23–31 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Direction" (Aaron Harlock)
"ACTS: From Pentecost to Diaspora" Part 3 "Money Where Your Mouth Is"—Acts 4:32–37 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Jesus is for Everyone" (Matthew Brass)
"ACTS: From Pentecost to Diaspora" Part 4 "Thieves in the Church"—Acts 5:1–11 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Evidence" (Miller Mendes)
"ACTS: From Pentecost to Diaspora" Part 5 "Obedience or Opposition?"—Acts 5:17–42 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
ORDINATION SERVICE "ACTS: From Pentecost to Diaspora" Part 6 "The Chosen"—Acts 6:1–7 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Word Made Flesh" (Matthew Brass)
"Perfect Grace, Part 1: Righteousness by Faith" (Tom Hughes)
"Perfect Grace, Part 2: One Man's Obedience" (Tom Hughes)
"Perfect Grace, Part 3: The Everlasting Gospel" (Tom Hughes)
"Perfect Grace, Part 4: Perfection Only in Christ" (Tom Hughes)
"ACTS: From Pentecost to Diaspora" Part 7 "The Heavens Opened, and Jesus Stood"—Acts 6:8–15; 7:54–60 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"ACTS: From Pentecost to Diaspora" Part 9 "There Ain't No Stoppin' Him"—Acts 8:1–25 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"A Sacred Trust" (Walter Harlock)
"MARVEL at the Son: Why Jesus Is Better Than Superheroes," Part 1 "Jesus Is Better Than Superheroes: Introduction" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Lost and Found" (Richard Greve)
"MARVEL at the Son: Why Jesus Is Better Than Superheroes," Part 3 "Jesus Is Better Than Batman: The Lie of Liberalism" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"ACTS: From Pentecost to Diaspora" Part 8 "The Circumcised Uncircumcised"—Acts 7:1–53 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"New Ground, New Life" (Walter Harlock)
"MARVEL at the Son: Why Jesus Is Better Than Superheroes," Part 4 "Jesus Is Better Than Ant-Man: The Mendacity of Modalism," Part 1 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr)
"MARVEL at the Son: Why Jesus Is Better Than Superheroes," Part 4 "Jesus Is Better Than Ant-Man: The Mendacity of Modalism" Part 2 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"MARVEL at the Son: Why Jesus Is Better Than Superheroes," Part 2 "Why Jesus Is Better Than Superman: The Deception of Docetism" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"MARVEL at the Son: Why Jesus Is Better Than Superheroes," Part 5 "Jesus Is Better Than Thor: The Heresy of Arianism" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Heaven Bound ... Getting Ready for the Trip" (Cinda Sanner)
"MARVEL at the Son: Why Jesus Is Better Than Superheroes," Part 6 "Jesus Is Better Than Green Lantern: The Absurdity of Adoptionism" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"MARVEL at the Son: Why Jesus Is Better Than Superheroes," Part 7 "Jesus Is Better Than the Hulk: The Artifice of Apollinarianism" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"MARVEL at the Son: Why Jesus Is Better Than Superheroes," Part 8 "Jesus Is Better Than Spider-Man: The Error of Eutychianism" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Vows of a Nazarite" (Aaron Harlock)
"MARVEL at the Son: Why Jesus Is Better Than Superheroes," Part 9 "Jesus Is Better Than Wonder Woman: The Calumny of Collyridianism" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"A Two-edged Sword" (Walter Harlock)
"MARVEL at the Son: Why Jesus Is Better Than Superheroes," Part 10 "Jesus Is Better than Captain America: The Non-truth of Nationalism" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Book of Daniel: From Sin, Into Exile, and Unto Hope"—Daniel 1:1–2 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"A Lion in the Den of Daniels" (Tom Hughes)
"The Book of Daniel, Part 2: The Perfection of Beauty" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"ZacchaeUS" (Matthew Brass)
"The Book of Daniel, Part III: God Will Take Care of You"—Daniel 1 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Book of Daniel, Part IV: He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"—Daniel 2 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Book of Daniel, Part V: In The Fire But Under His Wings"—Daniel 3 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Balaam and the Talking Donkey" (Aaron Harlock)
"The Book of Daniel, Part VI: A Toppled Tree and A Banded Stump"—Daniel 4 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Book of Daniel, Part VII: Fallen"—Daniel 5 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Defining Courage—The Hidden Man" (Walter Harlock)
"The Book of Daniel, Part VIII: A Contest of Two Immutable Laws"—Daniel 6 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Book of Daniel, Part IX: In Favor of the Saints"—Daniel 7 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Book of Daniel, Part X: His Once-For-All Daily Grace"—Daniel 8:11–12 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Book of Daniel, Part XI: A Complete Atonement"—Daniel 8:13–14 & Leviticus 16 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Be Thankful for That" (Tom Hughes)
"The Book of Daniel, Part XII: Salvation in Symbol"—Daniel 8:13–14 & Leviticus 23 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Upside Down Kingdom" (Matthew Brass)
"The Book of Daniel, Part XIII: An Imposter Priest and a Blasphemous Sacrifice"—Daniel 8 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Fourth Wise Man" (William Menshausen)
"The Book of Daniel, Part XIV: The Judgment and the Cosmic Conflict"—Daniel 7:9–10; 8:13–14; Revelation 20 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Book of Daniel, Part XV: O Lord, Hear Our Cry"—Daniel 9:1–19 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Book of Daniel, Part XVI: When You Need Answers"—Daniel 9:20–23 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Book of Daniel, Part XVII: The Covenant Maker"—Daniel 9:24–27 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Book of Daniel, Part XVIII: The Abomination of Desolation"—Daniel 9:24–27 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Book of Daniel, Part XIX: Your Knight in Shining Armor"—Daniel 10 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Trial by Journey" (Sherry Lowe)
1 Special Bible Study on Daniel 8 & 9: 457 BC as the Correct Start Date for the 2,300-day Prophecy in Daniel 8:13–14 and the 70-week Prophecy in Daniel 9:24–27 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Book of Daniel, Part XX: A Great Conflict of Cosmic Proportions"—Daniel 11 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Book of Daniel, Part XXI: The Time of Trouble and the Standing Prince"—Daniel 12:1–4 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
2 Special Bible Study on Daniel 8: October 22, 1844, as the Correct End Date for the 2,300-day Prophecy in Daniel 8:13–14 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"God's People Defined —The Elect" (Walter Harlock)
"The Book of Daniel, Part XXII: Sealed and Revealed"—Daniel 12:5–13 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Esther, A Story of Divine Reversal—Part 1: Divine Reversal" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Older Brother" (Matthew Brass)
"Authentic" (Jeff Blumenberg)
"Esther, A Story of Divine Reversal—Part 2: Where Is God When You Need Him?" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Esther, A Story of Divine Reversal—Part 3: A Story of Divine Reversal" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Esther, A Story of Divine Reversal—Part 4: Beauty for Ashes" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The God Who See You" (Sherry Lowe)
"Esther, A Story of Divine Reversal—Part 5: foreshadowing" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Esther, A Story of Divine Reversal—Part 6: The Ascendancy of Evil" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Break the Chains" (Seth Parker)
"The State of the Dead" (Pastor Tom Hughes)
"Esther, A Story of Divine Reversal—Part 7: For Such a Time as This" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Why Are We Here?" (Matthew Brass)
"Rudiments" (Jonas Cameron)
"Esther, A Story of Divine Reversal—Part 8: Touch the Scepter" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Esther, A Story of Divine Reversal—Part 9: The Exult of Evil" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Esther, A Story of Divine Reversal—Part 10: A Twisted Tale of Triumph" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Esther, A Story of Divine Reversal—Part 11: What Goes Around Comes Around" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Eyewitness Testimony" (Jonas Cameron)
"Esther, A Story of Divine Reversal—Part 12: The Joy of Salvation" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Wherever It Pleases" (Matt Brass)
"Sanctuary Priest" (Pastor Tom Hughes)
"If My People Will... Pray" (Pastor William Menshausen)
"Esther, A Story of Divine Reversal—Part 13: Free at Last" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"We The Church Are: —Part 1: Triune Graces of the Spirit" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"We The Church Are: —Part 3: A Study of the Nature of the Church" & Communion Service (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"We The Church Are: —Part 2: United We Stand, Divided We Fall" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"We The Church Are: —Part 4: Pursue Love" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Unmerited Grace" (Walter Harlock)
"We The Church Are: —Part 5: Alive and Well" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
A Better Covenant Concert
"We The Church Are: —Part 6: Building It Up or Tearing It Down" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"We The Church Are: —Part 7: Order in the Church!" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Preparing to Meet the Messiah" (Pastor Tom Hughes)
"Table Waiters" (Matthew Brass)
"The Works of Christ: Theories of Christ's Atonement" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"Mountaintop or Valley" (Walter Harlock)
"New Possibilities" (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"More Like Jesus: Heard, Seen, and Touched"—1 John 1:1–4 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"More Like Jesus: Walk in the Light"—1 John 1:1–4 (Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.)
"The Elk and the Eagle" (Matthew Brass)
Pastor's Corner
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